2—5 November 2023 Turin (IT) The Others

The Others, Turin - Italy

Nástupište 1-12 na medzinárodnom artfaire The Others v Turíne

Priestor pre súčasnú kultúru Nástupište 1-12 v Topoľčanoch sa po druhýkrát predstavilo na prestížnom medzinárodnom artfaire The Others v talianskom Turíne. Kurátorka a riaditeľka Nástupišťa Zuzana Novotoná Godálová vybrala štyroch slovenských výtvarných umelcov z rôznych generácií a pracujúcich s odlišnými médiami, aby ponúkli dialóg medzi tvorbou, technikou a generačným vnímaním.

Mária Čorejová, maliarka a grafička, finalistka Strabag Art Award International, prezentovala svoje výnimočné zručnosti nadobudnuté počas štúdia na Vysokej škole výtvarných umení v Bratislave. Jej tvorba bola ocenená viacerými rezidenčnými pobytmi v zahraničí.

Grafik a vysokoškolský pedagóg Martin Derner ukázal svoju prácu v rôznych médiách od klasickej grafiky cez ready-made až po digitálnu kresbu. Absolvoval štúdiá na Vysokej škole výtvarných umení v Bratislave a študijné pobyty v Poľsku a Veľkej Británii.

Juraj Florek, maliar zameraný na priemyselné a postindustriálne krajiny, predstavil svoje diela inšpirované urbánnym prostredím. Je držiteľom ocenenia VÚB Foundation Prize for Painting a vystavoval na Slovensku, v Česku, Španielsku a Rakúsku.

Juraj Toman, maliar krajín a miest, úspešný doktorand Akadémie umení v Banskej Bystrici, prináša mnohovrstvové chápanie priestoru, ktoré jeho dielam dodáva jedinečný rozmer. Znovuotvára a prehodnocuje žáner krajinomalieb z pohľadu naratívnych kvalít.

Výber umelcov z rôznych generácií a pracujúcich s odlišnými médiami ponúka priestor na medzigeneračný dialóg a konfrontáciu rôznych prístupov k výtvarnému umeniu. Nástupište 1-12 tak predstavuje rôznorodosť a kvalitu súčasnej slovenskej výtvarnej scény.

Projekt bol podporill z verejných zdrojov Fond na podporu ako hlavný partner. 


Maria Čorejová
 is a painter and graphic designer from Slovakia. She received her education at the painting school of Professor Daniel Fischer at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava. Her exceptional skills have earned her recognition in the art world, as she is a finalist in the Strabag Art Award International and is represented by Kunsthaus 7b in Sibiu, Romania, and Schemnitz Gallery in Slovakia. In addition, she has received numerous accolades, including being a Fulbright scholarship alumna from the Art Institute of Boston, USA in 2002, and completing several prestigious art residencies including Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania, USA, the European Diploma in Cultural Project Management, Marcel Hicter Foundation, Brussels, Belgium, the Strabag Art Award Residency, Strabag Kunstforum, Vienna, Austria, and the Visegrad Artists Residency Programme (CIANT, Prague, Czech Republic).https://mariacorejova.sk/

Martin Derner is a contemporary artist from Slovakia. He received his education at the Studio of Free and Colour Graphic Art of Doc. Vojtech Kolenčík at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bratislava and further honed his skills by completing study stays at the Academy of Fine Arts in Poznan, Poland, and the University of Newcastle upon Tyne in Great Britain. He has made a significant contribution to the art world by working as an assistant professor at the Department of Graphic Arts at the Academy of Arts in Banská Bystrica. He currently works as a docent at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bratislava. Martin's work spans across different mediums including printmaking, ready-made and digital drawing.www.martinderner.com

Juraj Florek is an artist from Slovakia who received his Master's Degree in Painting at the Academy of Arts in Banská Bystrica. He furthered his education by completing an academic internship at the University of Castilla-La Mancha in Spain. Juraj's work revolves around the urban environment and landscape, with a focus on the industrial and post-industrial layers, which he captures in his paintings. His works have been showcased in several solo and group exhibitions in Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Spain, and Austria. He has received recognition for his work, including the VÚB Foundation Prize for Painting.jurajflorek.com/

Juraj Toman is a painter in Slovakia,  a graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts in Bratislava and the Academy of Arts in Banská Bystrica, where he received the title of ArtD (Doctor of Arts) in 2014. His focus is on painting rural landscapes and urban areas, reopening and re-evaluating the genre of landscape painting, mainly from the perspective of exploring its narrative qualities. The unique aspect of Juraj's work is his multi-level understanding of space, which sets his paintings apart.

The project was supported from public funds by the Art Support Fund as the main partner.